GREEN Links and Resources
Green Designation for Realtors® - The National Association of Realtors® has introduced a new Green designation for Realtors®. The designation will help home buyers and sellers who care about energy efficiency and environmentally sound building practices identify Realtors® who can help them meet their green home goals. I was in NAR's first-ever Green Designation class held in Orlando, Nov 5-6, 2008; I have my Green designation certificate.
CGP - Certified Green Professional ™- The National Association of Home Builders’ Certified Green Professional™ designation recognizes builders, remodelers and other industry professionals who incorporate green building principles into homes— without driving up the cost of construction. Classwork leading to the designation provides a solid background in green building methods, as well as the tools to reach consumers, from the organization leading the charge to provide market-driven green building solutions to the home building industry.
Certified Eco-Broker® - EcoBroker Certified® professionals help clients market properties with green features, save money, and live comfortably, through energy efficiency and environmentally-sensitive choices. 1 of only 4 Certified Eco-Brokers in the state of Louisiana. The only Eco-Broker in the Baton Rouge Metro Area.
GREEN Resources
Green Building
NAR Resources. REALTORS® Taking the Lead on Green Building NAR Press Release, May 13, 2008: REALTORS® on Building Green: Niche Market or Wave of the Future ...
Smart Growth Programs
Feb 27, 2009 ... Green Building Links. Links to resources collected by USGBC staff and members to facilitate green building research...
For home builders, green building means the resource-efficient design, construction, ... NAHB Model Green Home Building Guidelines · Passive Solar Design ...
Green Building |US EPA
Want to hear the latest about green building from EPA staff? ... and using healthier and more resource-efficient models of construction
Green Resource Council
The Green Resource Council provides real estate professionals with the knowledge and awareness of green building principles applied in residences.
Green Resources
Green Resources provides a listing of links to educational, governmental, media, NGO/ private (non-governmental), non-profit and professional organizations.
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#1: Unplug
Taking a few minutes to turn off electrical devices, even better unplug them.
#2: Switch to Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Watch for ones with higher lumens (not watts) for brighter light; read carefully for a color rendering index (CRI) over 80, or cues like"warmer light," to get closer to incandescence while saving $30 in energy costs over the life of each bulb.
#3: Use Less Water
Did you know that in the average home, the water heater is second only to the heating system in energy usage? Here's how to use less. Go ahead and turn the water heater down to 120°. Wash full loads of laundry in cool water. If you've just got to use hot, rinse in cold. In the bathroom, and turn the water off when you're shaving or brushing. Have to let it run to heat up? Catch it and water the plants later.
#4: Choose Products With Less Packaging
Think of the layers of armor that separate you from a new consumer good. The precious cargo is placed inside a pouch inside a plastic exoskeleton inside a paper sleeve, then bagged for easy transport. With so many similar products crowding store aisles, try choosing one that sports less packaging. Don't have time to comparison-shop? Simply buying product refills can assuage your conscience, and save a few cents.
Bring your canvas tote to the grocery store to get everything home. Think similarly for restaurants: that pile of plates, napkins, plastic utensils and condiments could easily be spared by making your takeout eat-in.
#5: Buy Organic and Local Foods
Did you know that the blueberries you ate on your breakfast cereal might have traveled as many as 1500 miles to get to your bowl? Buying locally grown produce, whether it's from a greenmarket, a farm stand, or a conscientious supermarket, can conserve fuel, reduce pollution, and support your local economy ... not to mention, produce grown nearby doesn't require preservatives and waxing to keep it fresh.
#6: Drive Less
A daily car commute of 20 miles round trip can add up to more than $2,000 per year, parking not included. Replacing even one or two car trips a week will trim your fuel bill (and probably your waistline), but driving smarter can also help. Combine multiple errands into one trip,
frequent nearby shops, and try to group your family's appointments together. Think about the most efficient route before heading out, and try to avoid busier traffic times.
#7: Plant a Tree
No gardening project offers quite such instant gratification as planting your own tree. You get exercise, immediate visual stimulation, and some serious self-satisfaction. Your tree will convert nasty pollutants to pure oxygen and offer a welcome to wildlife -- and tree roots can help stay erosion. Depending on what kind of tree you choose, and where you plant it, the shade can gradually help to cool your home as well as offer a perfect spot for contemplation, meditation or recreation. Trees are charming planted for a child as a living growth chart, or in memory of a loved one.
#8: Recycle More
Look for produsts with recycled packaging, such as bottles, cans, paper wrappings, and cereal boxes. Choose stationery and other supplies made from recyclable materials that are better the second time around. Take your used car batteries, antifreeze, and motor oil back to participating mechanics. Return plastic bags to the grocery store. Give old cell phones and cars to your favorite charity. Compost your leftovers and keep your lawn well fed by letting grass-mown clippings lie.
#9: Switch to "Green" Power via Your Local Utility Company
In Louisiana,you can opt to purchase renewable energy from your local power company. Here is the link to check your Utility Conpany.
#10: Go Paperless
Get online monthly bills and bank statements. Read your emails and if you need to keep them save the files in your computer
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